Posts Tagged ‘medical evidence’

Demonstrative Medical Illustrations

Posted on: June 4th, 2014 by southfloridamediator

As an aid to mediation and as a support to testimony at trial, medical illustrations are a valuable tool.

Underlying medical testimony may be supported by demonstrative medical illustrations if they are relevant and helpful to the trier of fact.  A description and illustration of a surgical procedure, for example, is fundamentally relevant to:

  1. understanding the nature and extent of injuries;
  2. appreciating the sequential and life-altering phases of plaintiff’s treatment regimen;
  3. understanding the profound anatomical and mechanical changes brought about by the surgery; and
  4. justifying the reasonableness and necessity of corresponding medical bills.

Relevance must be shown and received by the court (and the mediator) as a basis for acceptance of the medical illustration.

More on this topic in my next blog post…